Title: Captain America – Red Skull
Artist: Andrés Viñuela
Media Type: Ink and watercolor
Measurements: 12 x 16cm
Condition: Perfect state
Genre: Superhero underground
Art: Unique work made by hand – signed
58.00 €
+ Gastos de envio*Title: Captain America – Red Skull
Artist: Andrés Viñuela
Media Type: Ink and watercolor
Measurements: 12 x 16cm
Condition: Perfect state
Genre: Superhero underground
Art: Unique work made by hand – signed
Availability: In stock
*Consulte los gastos de envio en Envios y entregas.
Title: Captain America – Red Skull
Artist: Andrés Viñuela
Media Type: Ink and watercolor
Measurements: 12 x 16cm
Condition: Perfect state
Genre: Superhero underground
Art: Unique work made by hand – signed